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Ascolite(Aswani Industries Pvt Ltd)

The AAC Blocks/ Fly Ash Blocks are used as a substitute for the conventional building masonry and have been widely accepted globally because of their beneficial properties such as lightweight, thermal and sound insulation, mould resistance and other benefits which ease the process of construction.

These precast building elements are environment-friendly as their processing hardly causes pollution and also boasts the consumption of fly ash which is waste material.

AAC Blocks/ Fly Ash Blocks are being used throughout industrial, commercial and residential structures for different applications such as external and internal walls, roofs, other partitions and divisions The AAC Blocks/ Fly Ash Blocks are used as a substitute for the conventional building masonry and have been widely accepted globally because of their beneficial properties such as lightweight, thermal and sound insulation, mould resistance and other benefits which ease the process of construction. These precast building elements are environment-friendly as their processing hardly causes pollution and also boasts the consumption of fly ash which is waste material. AAC Blocks/ Fly Ash Blocks are being used throughout industrial, commercial and residential structures for different applications such as external and internal walls, roofs, other partitions and divisions.


  • -Internal Wall
  • -External Wall
  • -Boundary Wall

  • -Bigger in Size
  • -Thermal Insulation
  • -Better Compressive Strength
  • -Fire Resistant
  • -Rough Surface
  • -Technical Assistance
  • -The life of this material is extendable because it is not affected by harsh climates or extreme changes in weather conditions.
  • -Material packing is done through tightening using plastic strip and using thermocol.
  • -Before use, it should be protected from direct rain, not to be used at very low temperature or in damp course condition.
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